
期中作文概述: 考试作文的审题绝对是重中之重!这次的题目并不复杂,只要交代清楚要介绍的地点是哪儿,有什么吸引人的地方,以及有明确建议/邀请/呼吁大家来的句子。 下面让我们来看看这次的优秀作文选集吧! 希望大家关注加粗的连词使用,和红色的亮点表达。
初二(5)班 富思然

I have been to many interesting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to. That is the Palace Museum. It’s located in the northwest suburb of Beijing and it has a long history. It’s one of the most famous places of interest in China, which attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. If you go there, you can not only enjoy the beautiful view but also learn some traditional Chinese culture. It was an imperial garden in the Qing Dynasty. What’s more, it is a vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces in Beijing. The weather in Beijing is cool now so it’s the best season for tourists to enjoy the unique scenery of the Palace Museum as well. And I suggest that you should take a thin coat with you because of the chill of late autumn. Why not visit the Palace Museum now? It’s a good chance for you to get to know more about China there. So come to Beijing and pay a visit to this special place!

1. suburb 郊区
2. imperial 帝国的
3. Qing Dynasty 清代
4. vast 广阔的,巨大的
5. chill 寒冷,寒意 
6. It's a good chance for sb. to do 对于某人来讲……是好机会

初二(13)班 谢羽纶

I have been to many interesting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to. Beijing is the capital of China. It is also the political and cultural center of the whole country. And the population of Beijing is larger than many other cities in China. It is about 22 million. There are a lot of places of great interest and natural landscapes in Beijing. They are all famous. Some of them have a long history, such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The weather in Beijing is always comfortable. It is never very hot or very cold in spring and autumn. But it is a bit hot in summer, and sometimes it is terribly cold in winter. All in all, the weather in Beijing is pleasant for people to live there. Beijing is an attractive city and I do advise you to visit it someday. If you go there, you’ll enjoy its life in different seasons. I hope you can go there in the future.

1. landscape 风景

初二(2)班 陈子洁(A1)

I have been to many interesting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to. The place is London, a beautiful city with a long history. London is one of the most famous cities in England. You can see a lot of attractive landscapes there. Besides, London has a large population, so it is a busy city, too. In addition, there are many famous places to visit in London, such as the Tower Bridge, London Eye and the Buckingham Palace. The weather in London is pretty nice. It is never too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. All in all, London is a place where you can not only enjoy the views but also learn the culture and visit the landmarks. So, I advise you to pay a visit to London. 1. landmark 地标 初二(7)班 蒋佳烨(A2) I have been to many interesting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to. That is Hangzhou. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It’s located on the lower reach of Qiantang river. It has a comfortable climate. It’s quite hot in summer, but it is often cooled down by the rain. It’s a bit cold in winter. There are many places of interest to visit in Hangzhou, including the famous West Lake. Its sight is so spectacular that thousands of tourists are attracted to it every year. Hangzhou is also famous for the Dragon Well Tea. The ancient aroma of the tea blends perfectly with the natural beauties in Hangzhou. People can enjoy a boat ride on the West Lake while sipping a cup of Dragon Well Tea. All in all, Hangzhou is a beautiful place with unique specialties. It really is a place worth visiting.

1. lower reach 下游河段
2. spectacular 壮观的
3. aroma 芳香  
4. blend with 与……融合
5. skyscraper 摩天大楼(可数)
6. sip 小口喝,抿
7. worth doing 值得……

初二(17)班 高孝延(A3)

I have been to many ineresting places, but there is one place I think everybody should pay a visit to. It's the West Lake. The West Lake is located in Hangzhou, a beautiful city in the east of China. The weather in Hangzhou is quite comfortable, so it’s enjoyable to walk around the lake. The West Lake is a name card of Hangzhou. Green water and colouful flowers brighten the lake’s spring. What an attractive picture! In the past, many famous poets went there. They wrote poems that described the lake. It’s an essential part of the West Lake. We can know about the stories of Su Dongpo and Bai Juyi by visiting there. It will be an exciting history class. The west lake is really a great place for us to know about Chinese history. Everybody should pay a visit to it.

1. name card 名片
2. brighten 使明亮
3. essential 精华的,重要的


